Can HEPA Filters Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19?

When it comes to protecting yourself and your family from the spread of COVID-19, it's essential to take a multi-faceted approach. Cleaning and filtering the air is one way to reduce airborne contaminants, including viruses, in a building or small space. But can HEPA filters really help protect against the transmission of COVID-19? The answer is yes. HEPA stands for “high efficiency particulate air” and these filters can trap and remove microscopic particles, such as COVID-19 viruses, from the air.

An authentic HEPA filter can be used in purifiers throughout the house to make the air cleaner and less polluted. HEPA air filters can effectively capture almost all particles down to 0.1 microns from the air by snaring 99.7% of 0.3 micron particles and an even higher percentage of larger particles. This implies that HEPA purifiers would effectively capture viruses (and any droplets of saliva and mucus containing them in spray) that are trapped in their filters. When people breathe, cough, or talk, they expel droplets of respiratory fluid, saliva, and possibly viruses into the air.

Even if the water in the droplet evaporates, they contain salts, proteins, and other materials, in addition to any viruses, which means that the remaining particles are usually only a few microns in size, making them fairly easy to trap with a HEPA filter. You can buy high-quality HEPA air filters at large home improvement stores or from a reputable source like Kenmore. Here are some of the best HEPA filters and purifiers for viruses and other potentially harmful contaminants:

It's important to remember that cleaning or filtering the air alone is not enough to protect people from COVID-19. It takes a multi-pronged approach to combat COVID and other viruses. But thanks to their particulate trapping properties, HEPA air filters are an effective line of defense to combat the spread of COVID-19 in indoor environments.