Are Air Purifiers Helpful or Harmful? A Comprehensive Guide

Headaches, sore throats, coughs, asthma attacks and difficulty breathing are some of the symptoms that some air purifiers can cause. If you're thinking about buying a highly recommended air purifier, you might be asking yourself: are air purifiers helpful or harmful? To answer this question, it's important to understand that the benefits of air purifiers outweigh the side effects. Air purifier benefits include cleaner air, reduced radon levels, and fewer asthma attacks. However, some models can create ozone as a side effect.

Another potential side effect is air pollution due to a dirty filter. Cheaply made and improperly used air purifiers can leave you feeling downright miserable. Symptoms such as throat irritation, dry coughs, headaches, and other similar health problems can arise. But can air purifiers make you sick if they are filtered in several stages and used properly? The answer is no. To understand why this is the case, it's important to know about HEPA filters. HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particle Absorber and is a superdense filter designed to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns.

HEPA filters are known to be quite loud and can be categorized as noise machines. To reduce noise levels, some models use several small, quiet fans instead of one or two larger fans. An air purifier is a great way to keep your home clean and healthy. But can they also make you sick or cause dangerous or unpleasant side effects? The particles that were moving out of the air will eventually return, and that's not all. The trapped ion will damage the furniture, wall, or floor at some point. You can imagine the difference between drawing air from a small room through a filter compared to the difficulty of extracting air from a large living room through a filter.

One of the problems is that you don't really know how useful a HEPA filter can be until you use it for a while. Over time, HEPA filters become filled with contaminants and need to be replaced before they stop working completely. HEPA filters are multi-level, pleated objects that capture small particles such as dust, bacteria, and allergens. This serves to differentiate them from companies that call their filters HEPA but do not work at the same level. Do air purifiers keep you from getting sick just because they're advertised to have HEPA filters? The short answer is yes. HEPA filters trap bacteria, viruses, and other airborne particles larger than 0.3 microns.

These cleaners turn on and off only when necessary, significantly extending the life of a HEPA filter. The density of the HEPA filter is so tight that it does not allow the free flow of air required by the air conditioning system to operate efficiently. This is actually true since air that enters a purifier with a clogged filter is not cleaned and can pick up some of the dirty particles that have stuck to the filter. In addition, a HEPA air purifier requires the purchase and replacement of the filters it contains for the life of the air purifier. In conclusion, while there are potential side effects associated with using an air purifier such as noise pollution and ozone production, these are outweighed by the benefits such as cleaner air and fewer asthma attacks.

Additionally, properly used HEPA filters can help keep you from getting sick by trapping bacteria, viruses, and other airborne particles larger than 0.3 microns.